Insider’s Tips - Nov.29

The Chef returned from the Ontario Food Terminal this week with plenty of Ontario produce. He thought sSome of the Ontario hothouse offerings were, he thought, a bit tired, but some, including cherry tomatoes, were worth buying. He bought good-looking Ontario root vegetables , including beets, parsnips, and carrots. We noticed an article in the New York Times that provided the classic recipe for poaching carrots and other root vegetables, which someone told us was duplicated from Julia Child. Find it here.

The Chef bought outstanding Ontario pears and Honeycrisp apples before turning to the U.S section, where he found fennel, broccolini, and citrus. The ChefHe  also found Italian plums and kiwis but passed this week on the many South American mangoes that were available.

The Chef has switched to heartier winter meats, including sweetbreads, venison, and bison. He has not yet switched to different fish because the Atlantic tuna, Arctic turbot, Pacific salmon, and Maritime lobsters continue to look so good as they arrive at GEORGE. In particular, the size of the Nunavut turbot is larger than before, and the Chef thinks it tastes better than ever.

The Chef has introduced a new Italian dessert, Bunet alla Piedmontese-, an ancient Italian recipe that resembles a chocolate crème caramel. He also offers a seasonal apple caramel sponge.

The Chef is busy writing planning the 5-course menu for New Year's Eve.

The Chef is busy writing the menu for New Year's Eve. The price will be $199 per person with no HST. Reserve your spot here.


Insider’s Tips - Dec.5


Insider’s Tips - Nov.7